Hatchet 3 (Decker Shado video)

Hatchet 3 is the 2013 horror film of the Hatchet series. It follows the story of Victor Crowley's ongoing adventures and his rampage across Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder stars as Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn plays Deputy Winslow and Rileah Vanderbilt is Misty.

The movie's special effects are its biggest strength. Hatchet 3 uses a lot less CG effects than other horror films. This allows some truly frightening moments to be captured throughout the film.

The cast is solid, with Kane Hodder proving to be an intimidating villain. The dialogue is (blog post) a bit snarky and tongue-in-cheek for it to feel like a true '80s slasher movie at moments. There are also several hilarious moments that provide a sense of humor against the horror-inducing action.

Because the budget was $1 million, most locations were reused from earlier movies. The boat house used twice in the film was a prime example. Much of this appears to be a re-use from other films in the franchise. If you've watched Hatchet or Hatchet 2, this could make the movie appear familiar.

Overall, I was impressed by Hatchet 3 even though it felt very similar to prior entries in this series--it provided plenty of gory thrills and entertaining performances from its cast members.

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